
The following books were authored or co-authored by the firm's principals

Investing the Templeton Way (McGraw-Hill)

Investing the Templeton Way was written for the purpose of illustrating a successful behavioral investment approach to a wide audience. Rather than focusing too heavily on financial or valuation techniques, the book illustrates the more critical role of temperament, and how mastering this element to investing equips the investor to succeed across the span of time and varying market circumstances. Beginning with Sir John's first trade in "maximum pessimism" on the eve of World War II to being one of the largest short-sellers at the top of the dotcom bubble, the book walks the reader through several decades of successful investment behavior applied by a legend in the field. For those looking for similar success, hint: be ready to go against the crowd.

Buying at the Point of Maximum Pessimism (Pearson, FT Press)

This book was written during the heart of the financial crisis in late 2008 to early 2009 with the goal of highlighting potential investment opportunities being created through a global stock market sell-off. The book details the long-term opportunities created by the rise of the developing market consumer class, and the many economies and industries that presented significant long-term potential growth in the years to follow.

The Templeton Touch (The Templeton Press)

First published in 1983, The Templeton Touch was the original first authorized biography of Sir John Templeton, written by William Proctor. The 2012 revision includes revisions and updates from William Proctor, as well as a newly contributed special section from Scott Phillips. Released on Sir John Templeton's 100th birthday, the book's special section adds interviews from a number of current market luminaries  including Julian Robertson, Michael Price, Prem Watsa, Mason Hawkins, Jim Rogers, Steve Forbes, and others, sharing their thoughts on Sir John, his career, and probably what defined him most of all, his character.